六本木三丁目 しち十二候

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Japanese Restaurant
Shichi Jyu Ni Kou

3-29 B1F, Roppongi 3 chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel +81-(0)3-5545-5125
(prior booking essential)
Fax +81-(0)3-5545-5126
E-mail info@72kou.jp
Open hours
Lunch 11:30a.m. − 3:00p.m.
(last order 2:00p.m.)
Dinner 5:30p.m. − 11:00p.m.
(last order 9:30p.m.)
Closed on an irregular base

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About “Shichi Jyu Ni Kou” (the 72 seasons)

Akio Saito, who continued to serve as Executive Chef of Japanese Restaurants in the hotels as Grand Hyatt Tokyo and Conrad Tokyo etc.,
went independent and opened up a new Japanese Restaurant“Shichi Jyu Ni Kou”in Roppongi, Tokyo.
You can enjoy not only the authentic delicacies of the season and organic ingredients but also vegetarian food and macrobiotic diet.
Japan and other East Asian countries observe 24 “solar terms” that mark off segments of the lunisolar calendar. And moreover, the solar terms can be divided into about three 5-day periods each, called the 七十二候”Shichi Jyu Ni Kou” (that means the “72 seasons”). This system of subdividing the year according to the motions of the sun and moon originated in ancient China but was revised due to the actual changes of nature and weather, and the growth of animals and plants in the Japanese climate and lifestyle.
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東京都港区六本木三丁目3-29 B1F 電話 03-5545-5125(要予約)
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